Deja Brew to Lemmy – 1578 points –

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You wouldn't. You'd make new coffee. Not trying to be condescending. I literally wouldn't reheat coffee because if it's been standing long enough to get cold, it no longer tastes good.

I don't think what you said was condescending, it just sounds wasteful to me tbh. I'm not throwing it away just because it got cold and it doesn't taste fresh anymore.

People do shit like that but then they bought the brown coffee filters instead of the white ones so they're still saving the environment 🙄

It's about creating less waste for me and not really about saving the environment. I just don't like to be wasteful.

It was a general comment on the duality of people's attitudes towards environmentalism. Didn't really mean to aim it at you specifically.

Ah, so it's a sort of punishment for yourself for not drinking it while it was hot? You made it, so now by god you'll drink it? Maybe invest in an insulated cup or thermos then. 😂

Not really, it would just feel like unnecessary waste. Though I did make a comment about punishment as a joke.