We learned a lot about Fani Willis last week. Absolutely none of it was relevant.

LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works to politics @lemmy.world – 239 points –
Opinion | We learned a lot about Fani Willis last week. Absolutely none of it was relevant.

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You are living in a fantasy world if you think that that a public perception of a corrupt attorney general won't have a significant bearing on the ultimate outcome of this case.

Courts of law exist dont in a separate plane of reality. The politics around this case will inform its outcome. Appearances matter.

Your responses are bordering on the absurd, literally all that Trump's team has been able to provide to support their nonsense is a single disreputable ex-employee with a grudge. This from a team known to throw any kind of nonsense they can as a delaying tactic, all of which inevitably prove to be baseless.

This will have zero bearing on the case, your vague allusions to "public perception" are so ephemeral as to be non-existent. This is nothing more than another Hail Mary attempt by a desperate team with no substantive ground to stand on, and it will soon be ruled to be exactly that in court. Anyone dumb enough to still buy into Trump's teams claims afterwards is already beyond reasoning with and is already a diehard supporter of his.

Your responses are bordering on the absurd, literally all that Trump’s team has been able to provide to support their nonsense is a single disreputable ex-employee with a grudge. This from a team known to throw any kind of nonsense they can as a delaying tactic, all of which inevitably prove to be baseless.

You are aware there is a large body of scholarly work on the impact of public perception on high profile trials right?

This isn't just talking shit. 40 years of high profile trials shows that the OJ's are treated differently than the no-J's (to quote Johnnie Cochran). This has been studied since the 70s.

Here is a 2021 article for you.

The takeaway from these 50+ years of research?

Public perceptions around a trial matter and impact the outcomes of the trial. Being an attorney in a modern high profile case is as much (probably more) about proving your case in the media as it is doing so at the bench.

Like, you don't meaningfully believe this isn't impacting the outcome of the trial do you?

The conflict of interest matters in as much as we are now having this conversation? Like if the conflict of interest didn't matter, we wouldn't be having this conversation. It doesn't matter what the court says at this point, cat escape bag. Here we are.

What I'm aware of is that the specious, unsubstantiated charge of conflict of interest by Trump's team lacks any evidence supporting it whatever, and that the court is likely to rule as such accordingly. "Public perception" is not dictated by whatever nonsense one party throws out, regardless of substance. There is no conflict of interest, and no evidence at all has been presented that there is one. Any members of the nebulous "public" you're so worried about who nevertheless believe there is a conflict of interest are believing it based solely on the Trump team's assertions alone, and those people were already on board with whatever nonsense Trump claims.

So no, this manuver by Trump's team will have no bearing whatsoever on the case.

can you at least admit that it's a real bad look?

and part of being a real bad look, is that trump supporters will use this to dismiss the trials outcome?

And further introducing doubt into the impartiality of the judicial process at this point is NOT a good thing?

Who cares what Trump supporters use to dismiss the outcome? They were going to dismiss it anyway, they can't be reasoned with.

At worst, this is an ethics complaint against Willis. It has no bearing on the case whatsoever, and certainly doesn't reach the f grounds for disqualification. An attorney doesn't have to be pure as the driven snow to do her job, and there's nothing about this relationship that in any way impacts her ability to prosecute this case.

So no, this manuver by Trump’s team will have no bearing whatsoever on the case.

It already has. We're having this conversation.

We're having this conversation because you're under the mistaken impression that the Trump team's baseless claims will have any impact on the outcome. They won't.

We're having a conversation because of a perception of a conflict of interest in a high profile trial. I didn't post the story and neither of us are the first to discuss it.

We wouldn't be having the conversation if it wasn't in the news, yet here we are. The AG in question hired an unqualified attorney to the highest profile case in the land. She started dating the attorney she hired. They took trips together. They claim that they she paid cash and there are no receipts. In the grand scheme of things, the trips and relationship could be considered a nothing burger. But her hiring this massively under-qualified individual to head up this trial?

Fani should recuse herself at this point. If you care at all about justice, which you seem to claim to, Fani recusing herself is all that can be done to maybe salvage this case.

Fani made this bed through incredibly and shockingly poor decision making. Did she think she would escape scrutiny in this trial?

The only perception of a conflict of interest is in your chicken little, doom-and-gloom imagination. There was an allegation made of a conflict of interest by Trump's team, one for which no evidence was offered and which was supported solely by the unsubstantiated testimony of a noncredible ex-employee.

It's only in the news because it's part of the legal trial, as a go-nowhere manuver by Trump's team. Once it's been dismissed as the speculative nonsense it is, it will be out of the news except in quotes from Trump's aimless rants. And anyone influenced by that is already a diehard Trump supporter anyway, no one is having their perception in any way altered by this.

This like, self-gaslighting approach you are taking, like who is it you think you are convincing?

I didnt post the news article. I didn't make this a headline of almost every journalistic outlet last week and the week before. Calling me names doesn't change the fact that people beyond yourself, even those who want justice for GA, do perceive how Fani Willis has conducted the procecution to this point to have many of the key elements of a conflict of interest.

Fani didn't have to make these choices but she did. She gave the Trump team this ammunition. Unforced errors all around.

And it's not speculation. Wade not being a lawyer specialized in RICo is not speculation. He's a personal injury lawyer. It's on his website. Them having a personal relationship isn't speculation. They both testified as much. The only things that remain speculative are their claims that they paid cash and don't have receipts. Well guess what? A court can subpoena bank records. Bets on that?

It's a foolish thing to defend an indefensible position, and these decisions were exactly that: indefensible. She could have hopped on Google and found 10 other RICO specific or Constitutional law specific firms. She didn't have to pick this guy. She didn't have to start a relationship with them. If this any old D A on some nothing case, it wouldn't matter, but this isn't that. This is a trial that is unparralled in US history. It's literally never happened before. Obviously there will be scrutiny.

Fani should recuse so we can hopefully get this trial back in track and find justice.

The only reason this was in the news was because Trump's team alleged a conflict of interest that has been shown to be utterly baseless. The only one attempting to gaslight anyone here is you, insisting on some widespread "public perception" of conflict of interest - despite the Trump team's allegations having zero evidence - which will somehow magically impact the case.

Wade was appointed before their relationship began, and it ended before the trial began. There is zero evidence showing anything untoward ever took place, and zero reason to believe it ever did - unless the unsubstantiated claims of Trump's people are sufficient for you, in which case you're already beyond reasoning with.

This absolutely is a nothingburger, and your faux defeatism is frankly disingenuous.

You are a clown. This has been in the news since summer.

This is a major set back to justice, pretending it doesn't impact how people will think about the case is idiotic.

Aaaand you resorted to ad hominem attacks. There you go. Don't feed the trolls, folks.