Couples race to move frozen embryos out of Alabama after court defines them as children

Lee to – 759 points –
Couples race to move frozen embryos out of Alabama after court defines them as children

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Unfortunately they made embryos children for the purposes of punishments, but let the bill die that would have made them dependents on taxes.

Take it to court! They either have to decide this law is shit, or it forces the state to pay for them.

Well they cant be half children. Theyre either kids or not, Id claim them all and if they audit it, then it FORCES the government to involve themselves and set a precedent. If it's a life, its certainly dependent on the clinic, claim them. Also if they're truly considered lives, they are inherently entitled to all the rights the US offers living humans. A state tax bill can't negate that, only dropping the clasification of being a living being can.

The history of this country proves that we have no issues with the blatant cognitive dissonance of declaring someone to only be a portion of a person.

And now there's precedent on how that's not legal. I still think its a worthwile challenge.