The Google Pay app is shutting down in the US to – 310 points –

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yeah. google just isn't a company you can rely on.

Even their search is going to shit (and with that google ads)

The past year, for multiple times i wanted an app, i couldn't find it on Google Play. The search is utter crap. I had to bing stuff with "google play" as a keyword to find what I was looking for. Ridiculous. In the original Play Store search they give three results that obviously have my search words substituted for more common ones, e.g. "music" instead of "sound", and give you a few most popular for that, which is of course bullshit, because of course music apps are more popular than sound apps, BUT I DON'T WANT ANOTHER GODDAM MUSIC PLAYER. Then they show some useless random shit in a carousel, like FUCKING GAMES LIKE HEARTHSTONE AND MINECEAFT, WHICH IS THE LAST THING I NEED NOW ... finally there is a "show more" button that triggers the actual search FOR THE SILLY SUBSTITUTED WORDS I DIDN'T ENTER, BUT THIS TIME WITH FUZZYNESS ON MAX SO IT DOESN'T EVEN MATCH THOSE ALL THE TIME.

I'm not a fan of MS, but: bing Play Store when?

Search used to be so useful 😑

It's even affected YouTube.

At least YouTube is recommending videos by color now

But finding the two uploaders I watch daily is a chore.

Youtube has been a bitch and a half for a while now. It keeps showing me the same suggested videos over and over and over, most of them irrelevant to the search!

Do you pay for premium? I do and I feel like the experience I have on the platform is leaps and bounds better than what people describe on a free account. I wouldn’t put it past Google to actively make the product worse when you aren’t paying.

I pay and still get the color recommendation, garbage search, it auto plays videos when I search on a TV app, and auto plays a second time when I try to back out of the video it just auto played, it recommends the same channel 23 times in my recommended and half the time nothing I'm subscribed to which I still am and have to go hunting in subscriptions because of all the stupid fucking shorts that take up most of my subscription feed now and they raised my price just now because I was one of the first fucking YouTube red subscribers and they can't even respect their grandfathered plans!

Sorry. YouTube has been pissing me off for a while now. And no I don't think paying for it makes it better. But I can believe them making it somehow still worse if I didn't!

Every time I want to search by date I have to open invidious because YouTube search by upload date only sorts like the last week and then past that it's back to just relevance