Adult daughter. Should I disown her!? to Mildly – 624 points –

Edit: LOL love the responses. You ain't wrong...

Edit2: I posted this for giggles and have enjoyed it immensely. Thanks for the "parenting advice" (rolls eyes). My daughter is a shit show, but I wouldn't trade her in for anything. She has three daughters, one of which is exactly like her and the two others are not. So...


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Don't blame the parent... Kids don't do anything when they know someone else will fix it for them.

Once I moved out, I magically had to do everything myself, and my parents were shocked that I actually kept my house clean, lol

Don't blame the parent... Kids don't do anything when they know someone else will fix it for them.

I will blame the parent because its the parent who usually fixes it for them.

Parents want to show their kid what's wrong, and want to keep their own sanity and house clean.

Clearly they didn't do a good job. Instead of showing them what's wrong, show them what's right.

Kids don't do anything when they know someone else will fix it for them.

And who exactly would be responsible for enabling that behavior?

Nothing is enabled, if you want to shout at a kid non stop until they do something, THAT'S bad parenting.

Who said anything about shouting?

How would you solve it, because obviously the parent told their kid how to load a dishwasher if they're at least putting stuff inside of it to begin with.

The same way I would teach an apprentice. Telling them what they got right, what they got wrong and how it was wrong, and then how to improve for a better result.

What fucking dysfunctional system are you from that shouting is your go to?

What fucking dysfunctional system are you from that shouting is your go to?

  1. Task the kid with something you never taught them how to do

  2. Kid fails because they don't know how to do the thing

  3. Shout at them because you don't know other parenting methods

  4. Do it yourself

  5. Lessons successfully taught to your child: it's normal to not teach your children, it's okay to shout, you can't do anything as well as your parents, you can use your inability to do things to force others to do them

Hey, thank your parents next time you see them, I think they might've helped raise my ex girlfriend.

Holy shit, I know this comment is likely to be modded away, but fuck you are delusional and making shit up and ignoring context.

At NO POINT was it implied that the person didn't have exposure or instruction.

Go sit in a fucking corner and think about what you have fucking said.

They literally just answered your question. Rhetorical questions don't really transfer well online.

This place is turning into reddit VERY quickly; everyone jumps down others throats and then mob mentality kicks in.

Whatever, I'll keep doing my part to add comments to posts to try to keep lemmy going either way 😊

+1 on this one

Edit: you being downvoted tells me there's a group of people who haven't seen adult children revert to child when visiting their childhood home...

Well it just doesn't make sense. "don't blame the parent, they're just enabling bad behavior." ??? Don't enable the bad behavior

You really don't understand how to deal with kids, or you've never had experience, or you don't remember yourself when younger it seems

Except that this is OP's "adult" daughter. He's not dealing with kids anymore. He's enabling an adults shit behavior.

I took it to mean that she's not a teen but still lives at home, or he considers her an adult, not sure