Linus reviewed (roasted) our phone | Fairphone reacts

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Linus reviewed (roasted) our phone | Fairphone reacts

I can't believe some of the points Linus made against the Fairphone, especially given he's onboard with the same compromises for the Framework laptop. 🤭


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i’ve got a samsung chargepad thing, it has a builtin little cute fan (internal, not blowing on the phone) - the phone is elevated, laying on a lip so it does not have direct contact. it’s always cool to the touch even tho it charges relatively quick (80% charge limit tho)

Maybe so, but you've lost energy to making that heat, now you're spending more energy to remove it. Ergo, efficiency.

Something can be technically correct. Efficiency.

And not matter at all because phones don't need any real amount of power.

Not when it's explicitly defined.

And did you just call a 70% efficient device (staggeringly low by engineering practices in even the 60s) a negligible amount of power? Do you have even the remotest inkling of just how many billions of these chips are produced annually? Assuming only 0.1% will go in phones with wireless charging and that they will only be used for that year, we are talking about an enormous quantity of energy that is wasted. It would be enough energy to push the earth into the sun.

You're being very dismissive about something you obviously have no real experience in, and there would be nothing wrong with not knowing something if you weren't making claims simultaneously. Efficiency is a well known, inarguably defined, rigorously studied, timelessly practiced, design concept that the CEO has an obvious working knowledge of. There is no "alternative truth" that is being ignored here, only ones that should be.

Oof, so much hate when confronted with the simple fact that over the course of a phone's life, wireless charging doesn't have more than a slight negative impact. And one that isn't going to be noticed by 99% of users. They will notice the convenience wireless brings though.

But continue to cry from your basement.

No hate. Just annoyed. But you'd probably be annoyed too if I insisted on my uninformed opinions about selling herbalife.

I guess airflow especially between the phone and the pad could mitigate the heat. I see some charging pads integrate this now.