You Can't Look at Porn on Any Reddit Third-Party App Now

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 1380 points –
You Can't Look at Porn on Any Reddit Third-Party App Now

Following changes to its API access, users are forced to log in on the official Reddit app if they want to view NSFW content on mobile.


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Hmm seems I can still access from ravanced Sync

Same with my patched RiF

Even unpatched RIF let's you see it still if not signed in

Unpatched rif stopped showing porn for me today or yesterday. It just shows a post that says Go to reddit to view mature content. Non nudity NSFW images seem to show just fine.

Well fuck I jinxed it for me lol. The app doesn't show anything as NSFW now. Well that blows for those that were still holding onto the app by not signing in.

reddit bypasses this block automatic if you are moderator. even if it's just your own sub you just created. being a mod disables this block on all subs

I can access NSFW content with Revanced Sync as well, and I'm not a mod.

Yeah... It seems like they only blocked the API keys belonging to the well known app developers from accessing NSFW as it stands at the moment.

also, supposedly, if you're a moderator you can access nsfw content