Sri Lanka ends visas for hundreds of thousands of Russians staying there to avoid war to World – 147 points –
Sri Lanka ends visas for hundreds of thousands of Russians avoiding war

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I mean this kinda awful. They’re not their government and they clearly don’t want to be part of the war.

But they are racist and have a "white only" policy in a country that isn't even theirs. So why should that country host them?

It comes amid a furious social media backlash over Russian-run businesses with a “whites only” policy that strictly bars locals. These businesses include bars, restaurants, water sports and vehicle hiring services.

Do you think all russian citizens are racist?

I'm convinced this war has been going on long enough that xenophobia against Russians is considered acceptable which is fucking awful

Of course not all Russian citizens are racist but there are varying levels of racism, homophobia and bigotry across the globe. Having a whites only policy would fall into that. Not many other countries citizens would be so bold as to do that on another country.

Not many other countries citizens would be so bold as to do that on another country.

I see no one is going to bring up the Irish bars in the US. Alright.

It's really unclear exactly what's going on with that though. I'm morbidly curious to know how it really is.

I mean are their suburbs or areas with signs in every restaurant window saying "whites only!", or was it a once-off altercation between a sri-lankan patron and a russion restauranteur? Probably something in between, but we really don't know where exactly on that spectrum.

Honestly this happens to some extent in any holiday destination in SEA. Obviously it's not as overt as having "Whites Only" signs, but it's not necessarily a Russian thing.

A sign says this is not once off. This is a policy. The fact that the person even thought it was acceptable goes to show institutional racism. Let’s not give the benefit of the doubt to what this clear,y is, but yes, it certain,y is always worth finding all the facts.

It is awful, but think of culture like software. In fact, think of it like Microsoft software.