Next-gen optical disk can store over 14,000 4k movies

Brad to – 231 points –
Next-gen optical disc can store over 14,000 4K movies | Digital Trends

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I rip enough physical media to tell you that post-compression 14GB is not far from average for a 4K movie. I guarantee that Netflix isn't storing those any bigger than that. Hard drives don't grow on trees, you know?

It's still good to know where the top end of optical storage is, even at an academic level, even if these end up not being widely used or being used for specific applications at smaller capacities. We'll see where or if they resurface next, but I'm pretty sure we're not gonna get femtosecond lasers built into our laptops anytime soon.

Streaming services definitely don't give you full quality files. They're compressed to save bandwidth. Netflix only uses about 7GB per hour in 4k. That's about the exact size of the higher quality 1080p movies I download.

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Yeah it's fine, especially with recent codecs like AV1 and you'd expect future codecs to improve further.

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