Late Actor Matthew Perry's Twitter Hacked: Fake Charity Plea Targets Fans with Cryptocurrency Scam to – 397 points –
Matthew Perry's Twitter account hacked by cryptocurrency scammers

Scammers hacked the late actor Matthew Perry's Twitter account and posted a fake plea for cryptocurrency donations in the name of his foundation. The foundation confirmed the post was a scam and urged people not to donate.

The article details several possibilities for how the account may have been compromised, highlighting the importance of strong passwords and multi-factor authentication for securing social media accounts, especially for celebrities with large followings.


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Then you're in trouble.

You can easily be watched by police when you're using cryptocurrency, so an entire surveillance state should have no problem.

Not all blockchains are public.

Fine. Which one can people be absolutely sure a nation state can't watch them use?

They mentioned it in your article. Monero.

So because the article says so, it's definitely the case?

Fair point, I did my own research and came to the same conclusion and have been active in the Monero community. However, don't take my word for it, do the reading yourself, and I think you will come to the same conclusion. The article mentioned zcash too which is not private as they are willing to change their code to stay complient with governmyth surveillance demands and therefore have no ethos. monero was just delisted from binance a few days ago because the community refused to comply with demands to hurt user privacy. This IMO shows backbone.

Having to do this sort of research just to discover which crypto currency you can't actually know for sure that a nation state can't watch but it seems like it might not seems like crypto currency isn't the best way to guarantee anonymity compared to, say, a suitcase full of cash.

And suitcases full of cash are great, until such time that cash is completely eliminated, which it is well on its way to being, and until you need to leave your country in a hurry, such as Cuba or Venezuela, for example, and are not allowed to carry cash across the border with you. With Crypto, you only have to remember between 12 and 25 words, and you can take your money anywhere on the planet in your brain.

No, with crypto, you have to do a bunch of research and hope that research leads you to the right one and hope that what you've read about that one is really true.

And the "do a bunch of research" part is a huge first hurdle. One I'm not quite sure why you can't see as a hurdle.

If you are not willing to learn, you should not be in the space at all. You and or somebody you trust needs to do the research. Otherwise, you're just shooting blindfolded and praying, and that's no way to live.

"Do your own research" is not a way to get people to adopt a currency.

Everybody in the world has adopted state currencies without doing any research. Now you are being given a choice, which is something humanity has never had. So yes, you have to do some research. I fully believe that the era of fiat currencies and government manipulation of currency is coming to a close. Gold is a useful currency, but not in modern times because you can't transmit it over the internet, and it's heavy to carry.

People don't even research who to vote for. Why would they research which of the countless cryptocurrencies to use?

I fully believe that the era of fiat currencies and government manipulation of currency is coming to a close.

Cool. People fully believe that Jesus is coming back too. Based on the same amount of evidence.

Gold is a useful currency

Useful currencies don't lose significant amounts of their value if someone digs a hole in the right place.

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Sorry but if it is available for anyone to use its public, you can't use a blockchain currency without downloading and referencing the block chain. Something that can NOT be changed by you or I

Replace blockchain with ledger, because that is what it is. It is no more secure than using a fucking bank card.

Seriously how fucking stupid are all of you people?

Do me a favor and look up Monero Ring CT and stealth addresses. It's not totally private, but if you are one of sixteen, there is a very low chance of being identified, and the more transactions away you are, the lower the chance of being identified properly. Also, full membership proofs are in the works, which would make the possible transaction part of every other transaction on the chain up until that point. And there won't be a way to easily trace.

Edit: i did the work for you.


Stealth address:

Ring signatures:

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