Trump says he'll use local police for mass deportations if he's elected to politics – 166 points –

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A good chunk of restaurants will also suddenly close or have massive price hikes when they can't count on taking advantage of undocumented people and paying them sub-minimum wage off the books.

A lot of people have absolutely no idea just how much of their food and housing is so cheap because of (often undocumented) immigrant laborers.

Food, yes. But housing? How do you figure?

Also, lol at calling housing "cheap".

Every contractor out there uses undocumented labor. Drywall, roofing, landscaping, all skyrocket in price without the labor of immigrants.

The industry I work in "flooring " hope you don't want carpet or floors install in your homes. Because 99% of the labor done by illegal immigrants.

They are responsible for all the apartments in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area I know for a fact.

And the reason they only ones doing it because what I been told by few older contractors is pricing for carpet installers hasn't changed since the fucking 1990's.

That's true. But you're wrong about calling housing "cheap", unless you're in "flyover country".

Cheap is subjective but if it makes you feel better to say "you're wrong" then OK, thanks for contributing.

It would be more expensive without undocumented labor.

Someone's touchy about being corrected.


Someone feels the need to jump into conversations to try to correct subjective statements while actually contributing nothing to the conversation. They should've began their statement with "well akshully!"
