Prius is one of the most popular selling Toyotas since it's debut, either they're just being obstinate about EVs or they are really invested to the gills on their Hydrogen fueled car lineup.
You would think at least one of their execs would have learned about the sunk cost fallacy in basic econ.
Honestly it's quite amazing how prone we all are to falling for the old sunk cost fallacy, that fallacy and confirmation bias have to be the two most popular cognitive issues for us as a species.
If they could pull off hydrogen fuel cells with the help from Ballard Power Systems, I'll be rich. I'm not that lucky though.
Consumers like the Prius because of the addition of the battery and electric motor.
Toyota likes the Prius because it still contains and ICE engine, which they want to keep selling.
it reminds me of the big tobacco playbook when they put filters on cigarettes after people started realising they were not healthy....Toyota stuck a little battery next to their ICE engine and said 'it's healthy now!' and people went with it...for like 30 years.
Prius is one of the most popular selling Toyotas since it's debut, either they're just being obstinate about EVs or they are really invested to the gills on their Hydrogen fueled car lineup.
You would think at least one of their execs would have learned about the sunk cost fallacy in basic econ.
Honestly it's quite amazing how prone we all are to falling for the old sunk cost fallacy, that fallacy and confirmation bias have to be the two most popular cognitive issues for us as a species.
If they could pull off hydrogen fuel cells with the help from Ballard Power Systems, I'll be rich. I'm not that lucky though.
Consumers like the Prius because of the addition of the battery and electric motor.
Toyota likes the Prius because it still contains and ICE engine, which they want to keep selling.
it reminds me of the big tobacco playbook when they put filters on cigarettes after people started realising they were not healthy....Toyota stuck a little battery next to their ICE engine and said 'it's healthy now!' and people went with it...for like 30 years.