DeSantis Vetoes Blanket Social Media Ban for Youths Under 16 to – 90 points –
DeSantis Vetoes Blanket Social Media Ban for Youths Under 16

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I am very honestly surprised. I would have thought he would have touted this as saving children from the woke mind virus or whatever.

Says that they are about to pass a new measure that targets sexual content and addictive features so I guess "don't say gay" but on the internet

Florida with its Republican supermajority is about to join the gotta provide your ID to do anything Republicans publicly feign indignation over and privately enjoy themselves. So much for less government interference. Hypocrites.

Social media is doing an absolutely amazing job polarizing people. Why the fuck would anyone block it if it helped their position?

$10 says this was staged due to how incredibly desperate DeSantis is for a win, especially with the generation that will soon be voting him out of politics in his upcoming failed bid at the US Senate.

Everything about DeSantis is stage-managed political theater.

DeSantis can't serve as the next governor due to Florida's consecutive term limits anyway

I said US Senate for that very reason.

Doh. Don't mind me, my brain just somehow completely failed to register that part.

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