What are the differences between ASD and ADHD, and some distinct aspects of the latter so I can understand if it could be affecting me?

ABCDE@lemmy.world to ADHD@lemmy.world – 33 points –

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So, if I'm an adult who has never been diagnosed with either/anything, but I do all of the things you listed for ADHD and some of the autism ones... Should I be evaluated?

I can't speak for the ASD side, particularly, but the relevant question for ADHD is whether it's impacting your quality of life.

Are your studies suffering because you just can't make yourself hit the books? Are you constantly fucking up at work and putting your career at risk? Is sensory overload a major impediment to coping with existence? Are you concerningly unreliable with parenting stuff? Does grocery shopping take three hours because you need a handful of separate trips for all the things you forgot each time?

If it's crossing over into disability territory, if life is just not supposed to be this hard, definitely get evaluated.

If not, if it's just quirky and occasionally frustrating - ehh. It can be affirming and a definite relief to have a label to put on things, but it probably won't make a huge difference day-to-day. If you're in the US where medical bills are a major thing, take that into account.

As thebannanaking has said, for sure seek out help if you are struggling. I think that is the big indicator as to whether they will diagnose you. The symptoms have to be prevalent in your life. Personally if it helps put it in perspective, I've kind struggled most my life, a whole lot of fail if i am going to be honest. no clue why, never even thought about adhd until my boss literally sat me down after I almost got fired like 6 months ago and listed out a whole crapton of what I later found out where adhd symptoms. I've been struggling real bad lately with not just work but pretty much all areas of my life and so now I'm trying to navigate our crappy Healthcare system and get help. Better late than never I guess. So really what I'm trying to say is if you are having problems please seek help. Don't be like me and not deal with it for way to many years.

It definitely impacts my life. Reading that comment was like reading about my day to day.

As someone with ASD, the difference it makes when you know your sensory issues and are able to get accommodation for it is insane.

I just started a new job where I am open about it and my officemates love that I love the "dark" spot away from the windows. Now they don't have to sit there. For me, the peace and quiet of that place means my stress level is so low for the first time in my life that I struggle to go to sleep at night.

My "go to sleep" indicator has been mental stress, but my job allows my to hyperfocus, which is recharging my mental batteries. I'm left alone to do my thing unless there is a meeting that's been announced way before or I reach out to others.

When I get home from work, I may be physically tired, but mentally I could just go on, because the basic level of stress that was at like 70% all my life is so much lower now. Now I have to learn how to recognize when I physically need to sleep - and fight my brain on it, because it just wants to play...

Long story short: my diagnosis for ASD changed my life, for the better. But there are many factors to consider (state of healthcare is a big one, accessibility of therapy, possible legal ramifications in your country, social acceptance, but alse how much it affects you).

For me, ASD helped me make sense of what was happening and allowed me to pushback when others were calling me lazy. But what helped me was mostly therapy work, and if you have a good therapist, you can just work on those issues separately. Imho you can get the help you need for ASD without a diagnosis, but in my situation the diagnosis was a massive help.

Thank you for your thoughtful reply, I really appreciate your perspective!

Many of the signs/symptoms of ADHD and ASD are things I struggle with if not daily, then weekly. But I know that there's a lot of crossover between the two, so it can be difficult to decipher, even for professionals at times. Especially when you throw in other mental health and learning difficulties, lol. So just knowing what's actually causing what would be helpful in dealing with it.

I wouldn't care to try meds at this time, but I think it would help with how I'm perceived in certain situations (like accomodations at work).