Game workers forced back to office oppose “reckless decision” from Rockstar to – 220 points –
Game workers forced back to office oppose “reckless decision” from Rockstar

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Must be the most pointless thing in the world, and terrible for the environment, have everyone travel in separate cars to work in the exact same way as they could at home.

Add in the fact there's always 1 person not there or with a client/customer based elsewhere, so all your calls and meetings are still done through video.

Yeah but think about the property prices... Rich people losing money. What a tragedy.

I love going into the office my one day a week. It's a new, less comfortable place to sit on Teams meetings! /s

I don't see that rockstar is mandating people to commute by car, this is the UK, they have public transport

That doesn't fix anywhere near all of the problems with this.

I never claimed it did?

By using it as a reply and an excuse, it implies it alleviates concerns.


I simply pointed out a ridiculous statement, not that I think the policy Rockstar is pushing is good.

Not feasible or possible everywhere, I certainly couldn't commute by public transport where I live it'd take double the time, my point wasn't directed at this specific case but the force to offices in general and there's no doubt huge amounts of people are using cars.

I never claimed it was feasable for everyone, but neither are Rockstar forcing everyone to drive

Nobody says they are. You brought it up. It was a general statement about the overall story, not this specific one.

I brought it up as a counter to the ridiculous claim that everyone in the Rockstar office will need to drive to work in the UK.

I get that people are pissed off, but that reason isn't acurate

You seem to be making up arguments then ignoring them, really odd