Please don't use Discord for FOSS projects to Open – 1270 points –

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I second this!

It's especially disappointing to see FOSS people on Fediverse promoting it.

People love discord. When Microsoft tried to buy it, people freaked out. They turned down the multi billion dollar offer. IMO, I don't believe the paid portion of the app is worth the money because it's mostly cosmetic bullshit. They don't give me a good reason to give them money

I also think discord nitro is kind of B.S . The only reason I still use discord is because my friends use it.

I wish there were similar features in Matrix clients like Element. Just the voice channels feature will be enough for me.

Revolt chat is a good alternative. It lacks in features but its pretty good for an FOSS project. I tried to convince my friends to use it but they crawled back to discord after 2 days.

They don't give me a good reason to give them money

The constant harassment was enough to get me to pay for it. But guess what? After I paid for it, the harassment continued, trying to get me to give them even more money for products I don't even understand. And that's just not something I tolerate.

That + the inevitable data-mining + refusal to provide any sort of deletion tools = no more Discord for me. I use Revolt now when I need that sort of thing.

it's mostly cosmetic bullshit. They don't give me a good reason to give them money

Don't give them ideas please

It's incredible, yes, even more considering that Discord has been complicit on spam attacks on the Fediverse.