Supreme Court restores Trump to ballot, rejecting state attempts to ban him over Capitol attack

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Supreme Court restores Trump to ballot, rejecting state attempts to ban him over Capitol attack

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The "unanimously" part of this really should have been in the headline, that feels like way bigger news than the rejection itself.

Honestly, it was the right call. Otherwise, states like Kentucky, Arkansas, and Alabama would kick Democratic candidates off the ballot non-stop.

If you don't want Trump, you'll have to do your part come election day.

Otherwise, states like Kentucky, Arkansas, and Alabama would kick Democratic candidates off the ballot non-stop.

I'm sorry, did I miss the part where Democratic candidates incited an insurrection against the Capitol?

What part of that do you think Kentucky or Tennessee will care about when they kick all Democrats off the ballot?

I don't think you understand the implications if the Supreme Court voted to uphold the ruling.

Is Trump a treasonous piece.of shit? Yes. Do I want theocratic white Christian nationalist courts from MAGA states to have the ability to block any candidate from the federal ballot that doesn't bow down to their demands? Hell fucking no!

Unlike sane people, regressive leaders do not need or care about reality in order to get people removed from the ballot. It absolutely does not matter that progressives have not invited insurrections. They'll be removed anyway if that precedent is set simply because they are an alternative option, and the voting population is sufficiently decieved or deluded to support it.

If the power rests with the states, it's the state supreme courts who make the final determination, so it couldn't be appealed up to federal courts if a bunch of MAGA judges in Red states decided that "that darn Liberalism brainrot is a Commie insurrection against America, hyuck hyuck!" and kick all Dems off the ballots.

Yep, right up there with 5G being set up to control us using the COVID-19 vaccine as a delivery medium. Also, COVID-19 vaccines cause infertility and it's the Democrats who are controlling it.

I mean, whatever people believe must be true, right? Can't let an objective fact get in the way of a good ole echo chamber of morons.

I feel like this 100% should have been upheld. The reason being that trump engaged in an insurrection, which, according to the 14th amendment, means he cannot run for public office. We have laws for a reason, right? republicans can try to kick (D)s off the ballot, but I would hope they have a damn good reason for it. If not, that is when our court system is supposed to step in.

The court didn’t answer the question of whether or not Trump engaged in insurrection. The question is whether or not a state can kick candidates off the ballet under section 3 of the 14th amendment and the court found that they could not.