Partitioning Your Linux Drives: Does It Provide Any Benefits? to – 91 points –
Partitioning Your Linux Drives: Does It Provide Any Benefits?

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/ and /boot are (arguably) all you need on a single disk system

But why /boot?

I would much rather split out /home if I'm going to split anything, so it can go through a future reinstall more smoothly. With /var being a more distant second candidate, because I've been burnt on several occasions by various programs eating up all disk space somewhere under it.

If you want to be compliant to the UEFI spec, the partition holding your EFI binaries must be formatted as a file system related to FAT (see This is not something you want for you system drive, so a separate partition makes sense.

Isn't EFI a separate partition? Different from /boot?

They can be the same partition, they are for different purposes though. EFI holds the EFI binaries as the name implies, while /boot holds the initrd, kernel, and the bootloader config files.

If they are the same partition, /boot needs to be formatted as FAT32 and have EFI as a subdirectory. Otherwise they can be separate partitions, either way the partition that contains the EFI directory needs to be formatted as FAT32.

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