Biden says he'll ban TikTok if Congress passes bill, but he's campaigning on it until then to politics – 101 points –
Biden says he'll ban TikTok if Congress passes bill, but he's campaigning on it until then

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Still with this? Is there anything that they're doing differently from other social media corps based in the US? The user data gets sold regardless.

The thing they’re doing differently is being owned by a Chinese company. If TikTok was simply a US based social media corp, no one would care.

Not like everyone is happy about the US doing this, but at least the US is theoretically our ally…

The difference is china = bad. They don’t give a rats ass if a company in America sells your data cause that’s cool.

Yea, they're struggling to get their suicide numbers up as high as Instagram. America demands nothing short of the best so we take deep pride in Zuckerberg's accomplishment