7 Post – 56 Comments
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I work on OpenFoodFacts, and the big issue is simply the amount of saturated fats and refined sugars there are in a lot of processed foods.

Like, sure, people have to be held personally responsible to some extent, but it should also be on the government to properly regulate how foods are advertised. I really appreciate the Nutriscore system that's being pushed for in Europe despite the flaws it has, and here in Canada they've been making some changes in how certain products are shown on shelves such as requiring labeling if they're high in sugar or fats and changing the previous confusing labels for energy drinks with a more easy-to-read Supplemental Food Facts label.

End of the day though, if something is still being labelled as being "healthy" when it really isn't, that's all it takes to fool the average consumer unfortunately. Stuff like Lucky Charms shouldn't be advertised to kids as "part of a complete breakfast", and it's absurd that a lot of "healthier" alternatives to certain foods are being advertised that way despite only being barely any better than the original product, like turkey bacon or veggie straws.

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I still question the intentions of the media and how a lot of outlets immediate ran to claim his actions as mental health related.

Like sure, I can see where that's coming from in a sense since self-immolation is inherently self-harm and you have to question a person's mental health for doing so, but at the same time, I don't know of anybody off-hand who says the same about the Buddhist monks who did the same in Vietnam.

Maybe times have changed and people don't see that action the same way as they used to back then, but if they are going to call this a result of mental health, I really hope they keep consistency with that from here on forward.

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Gotta love Hindu nationalism...

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Third party candidates still exist and are legitimate options to vote for despite what everyone wants you to believe.

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Unanimous? I might be out of the loop on some things but strikes me as unexpected that Ketanji Brown Jackson ruled in favour of Trump here.

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Man that cutoff hit like a fucking brick lmao

The Quebec injunction makes sense. Not equating the two by any means, but I remember when they started setting a mandatory distance for protests at abortion providers and that made sense seeing how people should feel safe when accessing places.

Protesting at synagogues is incredibly stupid and accomplishes nothing other than create resentment against those protesting for the rights of Palestinians. My only issue with the article is that it doesn't mention what specific antisemitic phrases were said, cause I know there's this thing going around of people equating protestors saying "from the river to the sea" and their intentions with the phrase with the intentions of Hamas when they say they phrase.

Amazing. Not a single mention of Palestine.

Putting his backing of Netanyahu aside, there's a number of things he could do to up his popularity. Naming two from the top of my head, he could forgive medical debt at the federal level and federally legalize marijuana and remove it as a Schedule 1 drug.

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Neat, I'm personally gonna keep with KeepassDX, but it's good knowing that there's some more variety popping up in the mobile market.

Okay, but icebergs go hard as a smell.

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Token cis man, much prefer the women's hygiene products, just worried about stares I'd get at the store lmao.

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I get where you're coming from. I'm definitely in favour of a ranked choice voting approach cause it does a lot more to get rid of the spoiler or dividing vote fallacy.

The entire spoiler or dividing vote hoax is based on this false assumption that the voters carry the responsibility for not voting for a "lesser evil" candidate when that burden of responsibility should instead be on the nominee for not doing enough in their power to win over votes.

With the current election, Biden is being a complete dumbass and is hemorrhaging support from Arab Americans and young people because of his refusal to stop giving weapons and aid to Israel and properly withholding those until a full and permanent ceasefire is reached. He's also losing support from Hispanics, though the reasons there are more to do with how he hasn't been doing enough to better the lives of working-class people.

Arab Americans and young people aren't going to turn around and vote for Trump, or in the off chance he receives a conviction before November, whoever else the Republican nominee will be. They're more likely to vote third-party or independent or not vote at all, and unfortunately with the latter, that's when the burden of responsibility becomes shared.

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You know what also helps third parties? Votes.

Without votes what purpose do they have in continuing?

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Agree with their protest or not, you can't "lock them up" for this. The video clearly shows a peaceful protest with no violence involved. Locking them up would violate their free speech rights.

Vote for an independent candidate. People have this wild notion that voting for a third-party candidate means you're throwing your vote away.

You're not. You're voting for the candidate that best represents your values. People who say otherwise have fallen for the brainrot talking point that's been around since Ross Perot ran in '96.

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I mean, politics aside, good call if it's an outlier. Especially if it skews the average of the polls.

Think of smelling a glass of ice cubes fresh out of the freezer. Very neutral, but also has a slight "freshwater" scent.

At what point did they say that? Of course the Republicans are miles worse than the Democrats, but why should people sit there and be like "oh, let me just vote for genocide lite when the other party is genocide standard"

Edit: slight edit since Kbin notifs are weird.

I mean, he has been underperforming compared to the margins he was supposed to win by in a number of polls. Can't recall off hand, where it was specifically and which polls, but I think he scored 28 points lower than what the polls anticipated in one area.

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Ah yes, label me as a Trump sympathizer, cause that definitely helps your cause with the average joe.

Edit: This you calling me a Russian agent?

Still with this? Is there anything that they're doing differently from other social media corps based in the US? The user data gets sold regardless.

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I didn't? I'm on a Kbin instance, does it not embed on Lemmy?

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They didn't, no. What makes the Israel-Palestine conflict more in the Houthi's interest in comparison to the Russian occupation of Ukraine is their ties and support to Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah.

Oh thanks! First time adding a new repo to Fdroid. It works now, thanks a million!

Holy crap, this is perfect! Thanks a million!

Not to be the "well akshually" guy, but I personally find that while paper straws are fine for most drinks, when it comes to thicker ones they really suck (no pun intended). Like, using a paper straw with a slurpee or milkshake is a nightmare.

I'm team paper straws, but surely there's a better solution for drinks like those.

Not sure why, but it's not appearing either in the app or on a desktop browser for me. The link you provided leads to a 404.

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I'm not familiar with overall demographics, but an important demographic for Democrats is Arab Americans and young people, where Democrats have had a stronghold on them for some time now.

Biden used to have I think it was 60% support among Arab Americans. Then after October 7th that support tanked, and all you have to do is look at Michigan's uncommitted vote in the primaries to see the effect that it's had for his support with them and young voters, especially in communities like Dearborn.

Like at first glance the Michigan polls show that Biden completely dominated the primary, but you also have to keep in mind that the Uncommitted movement was aiming for maybe 20k votes at most. Instead they got over 100k votes.

Back in 2016 Hillary Clinton lost Michigan to Trump by an incredibly small margin. When you add together the Uncommitted votes with the votes for Marianne Williamson and Dean Phillips (who I understand has dropped out and has the same stance as Biden), you get an amount similar to that which Hillary lost by.

Arab Americans and young people have made their voice clear in focus groups that while some of them will not vote for Biden come the federal election, others will if he just simply condemns Israel properly and stop sending them weapons and aid while also calling for a ceasefire. Biden can either lose these crucial votes and possibly lose Michigan to Trump, or he can do what the voters want and regain at least some of their support come November.

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My immediate thought for some reason:

You need to do some critical thinking. Vote for the person who best aligns with your beliefs, not which of the two big names you hate less.

I'm aware, just figured it would be a good idea to prioritize those things first, and also use the information I gain to figure out how arbitrary the dates given are.

For example, while logging my spice cabinet just now with the Food Expirations app, I saw that there were a few that were past due that I'm going to look into with how much longer they'd be good for.

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Oof, I'm sorry. It's just a video of a convo between the Batman and the Joker. You should be able to find the file if you search "Snapinsta.app_video"

I have no coding experience :c

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The Open Food Facts smooth app is free and open source. It's available both on FDroid and the Playstore, though I personally update my app directly from the github page here.

I can say agree to disagree here, but really I guess we'll have to see what happens between now and November. Honestly it's a bit of a relief to have more good-faith discussion here, so can say I definitely appreciate that.

If you want an indie game dev suggestion, Ojosama makes a tonne of great games on Itch.

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Think you meant to reply to the original post and not my reply.

Hm, almost as though Democrats should be pressured by voters to abolish the electoral college... wonder what will change their stance on that.

Maybe... if the Democrats saw their support weakening as a result of their terrible policies... hmmmm.

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