Why It’s Hard to Explain Joe Biden’s Unpopularity

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – -42 points –
Opinion | Why It’s Hard to Explain Joe Biden’s Unpopularity

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Amazing. Not a single mention of Palestine.

Putting his backing of Netanyahu aside, there's a number of things he could do to up his popularity. Naming two from the top of my head, he could forgive medical debt at the federal level and federally legalize marijuana and remove it as a Schedule 1 drug.

He can only forgive debt owed to the government, and people don't generally owe the government for medical services.

This was an issue before Israel was attacked.

As far as I can tell he’s done a lot of the right things, and has been as effective as you can given the political situation. I never understood why so many people seem to have an issue

before Israel was attacked

I never understood why so many people seem to have an issue

Having framed the current conflict as having started "when Israel was attacked", it's not surprising that you don't understand why people might have an issue with Biden broadly

I believe that's the opposite of their point. They're saying he was loudly on Israel's side well before the attack.

It was an attack. There were and are hostages. Whether it was retaliatory can be a topic, but that it was an attack hasn't been in dispute.

I'm not sure it is exactly 'opposite' of their point, but Biden being largely on the side of Israel is the reason a lot of leftists have always been unsupportive of him as a president.

Like most liberals, he gives a lot of lip-service to progressive causes, but ultimately finds excuses to avoid having to really upset the current hegemony. The reason he is unpopular despite his objectively skilled politic-ing around progressive issues (i think) is because more people are seeing liberalism generally as a failed political project and want actual change rather than lip-service and half-measures.

His support of Israel is only the most pertinent example of his politics clashing violently with reality.

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