Google’s self-designed office swallows Wi-Fi “like the Bermuda Triangle” to – 458 points –
Google’s self-designed office swallows Wi-Fi “like the Bermuda Triangle”

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I'm enjoying ethernet on my phone too

I can tell that you're being sarcastic. But if I'm playing ranked match on my phone, it's always with an Ethernet dongle. Way more reliable and definitely lower latency.

People actually play competitive games in their phone? I thought that was just marketing spin so apple didn’t have to put graphics cards in their macs

It's hilarious that you insist on the ethernet cable but not an actual computer.

I don't have a gaming computer (i7 3770K with integrated graphics from 2012)

You don’t get cellular data? Okay, sure it’s faster for that too.

lol your comment made people salty for some reason