Boeing whistleblower found dead in US

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Boeing whistleblower found dead in US

John Barnett had worked for Boeing for 32 years, until his retirement in 2017.

In the days before his death, he had been giving evidence in a whistleblower lawsuit against the company.

Boeing said it was saddened to hear of Mr Barnett's passing. The Charleston County coroner confirmed his death to the BBC on Monday.

It said the 62-year-old had died from a "self-inflicted" wound on 9 March and police were investigating.


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ITT: The equivalent of Trump supporters confusing the fact that they are suspicious that the election was stolen, with actually knowing so.

Well, Boeing is demonstrably willing, even determined, to choose financial short term gain over any amount of human lives or reputation loss. It would be shocking if it was truly an accident that saved Boeing from a second day of testimony right when everything is starting to really fall apart for them, right?

Notice how you haven't offered up any evidence. Just motivation to kill him (even that's tenuous at best).

You know what Trump supporters often argue? That the "deep state" had motive to stop Trump from becoming POTUS, which is what makes their claims reasonable.

In this case, you're acting just like them.

I don't disagree with you. But evidence of Boeing being willing to trade lives for profit is super, super easy to find right now. If you aren't being disingenuous I am willing to do some of the labor you are asking for

You are just justifying being suspicious. I'm suspicious too. You don't need to convince me of rhay.

But it's 100% possible for them to be willing to kill him but he still killed himself. Right now I've seen no evidence that they did it. It's all blind speculation.

I didn't say they did although I would personally place it at like a 60% likelihood. Obviously there's no evidence, this literally just happened.

Just wanted to be clear that I live in reality and no one has the security camera footage yet.

I didn’t say they did

t would be shocking if it was truly an accident that saved Boeing from a second day of testimony right when everything is starting to really fall apart for them, right?

Say it? No. But you certainly implied it.

I would personally place it at like a 60% likelihood.

Which is based on suspicion alone. That's my point.

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I'd say it's more like a huge percentage of votes for one candidate got lost in a fire. Sure fires happen, but it was really important that this one should be protected from happening.

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