Trump's plan to end the Ukraine war is to totally cut off funding, says Putin's closest EU ally to World – 411 points –
Trump's plan to end the Ukraine war is to totally cut off funding, says Putin's closest EU ally
  • Trump "will not give a penny" more to Ukraine if he becomes president, Hungary's prime minister said.
  • That's how Trump plans to end the war, Viktor Orbán, who met Trump at Mar-a-Lago, said.
  • The Trump campaign has not said whether the pair discussed Ukraine during the visit.

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Ah the "Fine, I'll takey ball and go home" arguement.

Referring to WW2 that was self preservation as much as anything else, and it is not like they got poorer from it. The US made bank after WW2.

The US called upon NATO after September 9th and everyone came. So that also shows something, but I guess that does not count.

And now the US is gearing up for their "inevitable" conflict with China. But for that they will need their allies too. So by showing your allies you are unreliable, countries might start making other choices. You know, self preservation.

Ww2 was because Japan attacked the United States and in brilliant move, Germany declared war.

If we go to war with China, we don’t need the help of others. They need our help.

It’s why Australia is asking for us to build bases. They know they can’t take China.

Japan at least is taking it seriously and arming up for war. They beat China once

American exceptionalism at its finest.

We are exceptional. We are the only real super power in the world. I am not ashamed of my country. We need to the beacon of the world and sadly we’ve let that falter. We need another Reagan to get us back on track

You posting this from a desk at Savushkina Street in St. Petersburg?

What do you think is false? If you think anything I said is false then we don’t need to be in your war.

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