Is anyone else tired of the doom posts on Lemmy? to Ask – 338 points –

When scrolling Lemmy (compared to reddit in the past), all I see is doom and gloom / news. I don't see interesting conversations or comments to read.

Occasionally I'll find something, and I've been contributing more, but there's just so much doom that it fills my feed.

I've had to unsubscribe from many communities bc it's just doom news reposts..

Is it just me?


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Yeah, times are kinda rough right now

I recommend ! but it's not super active, about a post a day

That community is also guilty tbh. Sorry for bringing this up, but I saw the other day about "Children school food debt" or something like that on that community, and I was like, what? How is that uplifting at all?

Yeah, it's hard to see the "orphan crushing machine temporarily stopped" headlines as a positive for me, too. I had to stop looking at that community. It didn't seem they were particularly open to feedback about those articles, either.

I love the whole "orphan crushing machine" term. It's a great way to describe the ridiculous phenomenon of framing bad things as good things.

Ok, I didn't see the post you're talking about, so idk

The posts I've seen have been uplifting to me

Nice, joined.

I find that eventually those kind of posts end up filled with people who either have to explain why the thing is actually bad, or "that's nice, but what about this thing that's bad!". To every post.

Hopefully that doesn't happen here, and I'll try not to be negative :)