Omar says Israel policy divisions won’t stop her from supporting Biden in November to politics – 528 points –
Omar says Israel policy divisions won’t stop her from supporting Biden in November

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) said policy differences toward Israel between her and President Biden won’t stop her from supporting him in the November general election.

“Of course,” Omar said Tuesday, when asked by CNN’s Abby Phillip on “NewsNight” whether she would vote for Biden if the election were held that day, in a clip highlighted by Mediaite. “Democracy is on the line, we are facing down fascism.”

“And I personally know what my life felt like having Trump as the president of this country, and I know what it felt like for my constituents, and for people around this country and around the world,” Omar continued. “We have to do everything that we can to make sure that does not happen to our country again.”


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I met with a few that tries to argue that the correct choice is to vote for third party. And, other people called them out on it.

I'm far-left as you come, but, I still vote for the feasible and better option in the general. I always vote for the better in the primary without exception. I voted for Bernie in 2020 primary even if Biden is guaranteed to have the nomination, and voted for Biden.

And my opinion is that Biden is the better of the two in context of Israel. He at least sanctioned settlers, and some days that will include Jenin(?) settlers. Trump won't do that. And most people that are against Israel has less to do with war at Gaza than settlers and the clowns in Israel government.

It's such a practical topic for the election, too, right? Never mind the shit the Republicans are pulling on a day to day basis- that shit has already been normalized.

>I’m far-left as you come

i guarantee, you are not.

You sure do not have any idea who I voted for beyond Bernie. I always look up candidates and pick the ones with better access to healthcare, education, working environment, etc.

leftists are building a revolution to overthrow capitalism.

if all you're doing is voting, and for Democrats, then you are not, in fact, a leftist.

Fucking lulz.

Leftists don't actually have to be against capitalism as a concept. Some of us do support european-esque capitalism because of easier access to healthcare and education.

And that's the bare minimum, but the most impactful, and the most realistic. You, the 3rd party voter, can't even cite when they have ever made a dent in the nation-wide scale, and you very well know that you can't convince educated leftists to split their vote to give it to Trump. But, do try, and I'll be laughing at the attempts.

>Leftists don’t actually have to be against capitalism

there is a cure for political illiteracy

Note that capitalism is everywhere, and politicians that do not want to change their economic system to socialism are still counted to left for strong support toward welfare, healthcare, etc. Heavily regulated capitalism is left to the center. Do you have an argument against this?

>you very well know that you can’t convince educated leftists to split their vote to give it to Trump

leftists certainly wouldn't give their vote to trump

Yeah, if they were leftists, they vote left on downballot and vote for realistic options that is closest to left on general. That means, third parties are out unless ranked choice is a thing.

>That means, third parties are out unless ranked choice is a thing.

why would a leftist vote for a conservative politician? they wouldn't

In context of Biden, it's to have him on the white house to get some benefits possible, and he is the most realistic option because of Duverger's Law. Which goes back to my point of there is no good answer as to when was the last time third party has made a huge dent electorally.

if you're a leftist, and you are voting for biden, don't pretend it's because he's a leftist or will help leftists. he's not and he won't.

Let's see. Student debt cleared to some degree. Pay raise for low wage workers. Yes, there were some.

Also, love that you ignored the issue of Duverger's Law.

>you ignored the issue of Duverger’s Law.

just as i would have if you'd raised the book of revelation. lots of people believe it predicts the future, but it doesn't.

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>You, the 3rd party voter, can’t even cite when they have ever made a dent in the nation-wide voter

you never asked, and, frankly, there is a cure for historical illiteracy, too

Sure, try arguing when was the last time third party has made a dent, and by what percentage. Cure my supposed historical illiteracy please.

>Sure, try arguing when was the last time third party has made a dent

the prohibition party got an amendment passed

Ooh, wow, a party no one heard of, and are you talking about 1919? And this has nothing to do with vote percentage?

Color me shocked and amazed by your argument.

this is called a "horse laugh" fallacy or, formally, an appeal to ridicule

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