Dell tells remote workers that they won’t be eligible for promotion unless they go hybrid to – 407 points –
Dell tells remote workers that they won’t be eligible for promotion

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That's exactly what dell wants, it's a way to do layoffs without the bad PR and without having to pay the benefits (or whatever they are called). They know full well a good chunk of people working at home don't want to go back to the office and will hunt for another job instead.

Sure but doesn't mean you can't be applying and interviewing on their dime. This bullshit isn't anything new and only leads to the company retaining the blow average employees. If you can leave and get a raise in the process you should.

Performance is irrelevant if you're gone by the time of your next review.

Yeah that’s the most fucked up part, it’s still bad for the company, but not next quarter.

it's a way to do layoffs without the bad PR

In what world isn't this bad PR? I know it's making me never want to work for Dell or buy any of their computers again.

Layoffs look way worse on a headline than this

Depends. Your shareholders might like it and send the stock up a few points.

There's layoffs all the time at Dell. There were two rounds last year.

The thing corporations are risking though when they do this, is brain drain. Brain drain is a real and dangerous thing for a corporation.