Yeah UPS, that's proof to Mildly – 769 points –

The photo that UPS provided to prove that they delivered my package. I mean, sure, it’s my front porch, but they could have included the package.


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The speed of Google Maps corrections seems to strongly depend on some internal reputation data they have from your previous submissions and the kind of submissions you make. The more you contribute accurate stuff, the faster your future contributions go through the system.

Unfortunately, I've never found a way to submit corrections to Apple Maps from a Linux system, so there continue to be a dozen or more places where I know Apple Maps is wrong but I can't help them out with fixing it.

My house had wrong directions for both Apple and Google maps. Google had it fixed within the first year. Apple, going on 6 years and 4 attempts, remains incorrect.

In my experience Google maps is ok although not brilliant. It more or less knows where my house is but the location isn't really right, but it gets you close enough. Google maps often locates businesses in weird places where they obviously aren't, and quite often it'll put every business on the street into a single building, which admittedly would be very convenient, but not really accurate to reality.

If you want accuracy you have to go with OSM which practically maps the location of every pebble.