Do you sometimes lose your patience when dealing with a co worker or friend who is barely capable of using a computer or smart phone? to Ask – 135 points –

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It's not annoying when they can't do it. It's aggravating when they refuse to learn to do it and just want you to do the whole thing for them every single time.

And then they say "you never show me how to do anything!"

Or, they act like they understand when you do show them, but go strait to the boss the next time and complain that you refuse to show them..

I was a cashier at Walmart, once upon a time. The new guy i had to train refused to look at the corner of the screen to read the totals back to the customers. When I pointed it out that he should get in the habit of doing so his response was "I don't feel that i should have to do that."

I just... Walked away and got the supervisor to assign him a different trainer. I refuse to train someone above the age of 25 with that attitude.

I always verbally walk them through it. That helps them memorize the steps and if they insist I do it I can tell them to fuck off with a clean conscience. If they don't wanna help themselves then I won't either. I don't usually have a problem with this method.

My managers do this to their department leaders. They can't even work the cameras.