Threads is automatically hiding comments that mention Pixelfed to – 1281 points –
dansup (

For anyone wondering if Threads and Facebook at large will be a fine neighbor in the space and compatible with other apps/services in the fediverse: they’re already automatically hiding comments that mention Pixelfed


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Honey blocking all mentions of Pixelfed is not at all like blocking one instance, it is blocking the entire platform. It would be the same as blocking all mentions of Lemmy or all mentions of Mastodon, which would not block ONE instance, but ALL INSTANCES.

Meta can only do that on threads though. I don't care, that's really not my business.

Other people care, I certainly don't care if you care or not doe and I didn't ask for that spontaneous bit of information. You don't care? Uh, ok... I guess.

You're missing the point. I don't want you to understand my feelings, I want someone to explain to me what the big deal is. How meta "moderates" their platform has no effect on me, a non-threads user. What is my stake in it?

I'll copy and paste my reply to someone else here:

Any huge server that is impossible to moderate for admins is detrimental to the network and failure to properly moderate is the number one reason we should be looking at to defederate from instances.

Automatic "spam" protection is the exact thing which co-opted e-mail. Big corps with the largest e-mail user base use algorithms that automatically assume the worst about any small e-mail server. If you spin up a small server you are assumed to be spam unless unless unless, which ended up with e-mail being centralized in the hands of Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and Apple, despite being theoretically decentralized too.

Is that what we want for the Fediverse? 4 or 5 huge instances automatically defederating from all small instances unless they fit some criteria defined by the big corps, which they can change anytime?

To summarize, how big Threads is and how they decide to moderate the content matters for anyone who doesn't want the Fedi to end up like e-mail.

Automatic “spam” protection is the exact thing which co-opted e-mail.

👆 this

I think it is (or should be) an antitrust issue to scrub all links to a competitor (Pixelfed vs Instagram) from your platform.

I can still find out about Bing from Google or vice versa. People would legitimately be upset if this were not so. I can still use Edge to download Firefox. People would legitimately be upset if this were not so. Etc etc etc.