US sues Apple for illegal monopoly over smartphones to – 967 points –
US sues Apple for illegal monopoly over smartphones

The US Department of Justice and 16 state and district attorneys general accused Apple of operating an illegal monopoly in the smartphone market in a new antitrust lawsuit. The DOJ and states are accusing Apple of driving up prices for consumers and developers at the expense of making users more reliant on its iPhones.


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Passing this would destroy Apple’s entire business, where they spend their effort and money deeply integrating their products to work together.

Instead, they’ll have to spend their time and money creating an API to let random Joe make a watch for an ecosystem they did nothing to create, foster, or maintain.

Maybe they shouldn't have based their business on monopoly?

People don’t need to use an iPhone. A symptom of our declining society is expecting people or businesses to accommodate your personal interests instead of you making an adult decision.

Man, can you fanboy any harder?

Apple has some aggressive "in-club" style marketing and exclusivity practices.

iMessage intentionally massively degrades user experience when a non-iMessage user is in the chat, to encourage their iPhone users to harass their friends into getting an iPhone too.

The cruelty is the point. They want their users to ostracize their friends into converting friends and family to their platform.

I hate to say it man, but you are talking to a brick wall. That don't understand, and more importantly they don't want to understand.

And I’m speaking to a bunch of incel teenagers who are baby raging about a green bubble and how their parents won’t get them an iPhone.

That’s literally an argument in the DoJ’s case, btw. A case led by incels.

And that tells me everything I need to know about your opinions. Horray for the block feature

green bubble and how their parents won’t get them an iPhone.

Tbh I agree with a lot of what you’re saying, but this take is embarrassing and doesn’t even make sense in the modern day. You realize plenty of Androids are the same price, if not more expensive, than iPhones right? What year do you think it is?

How is “cruelty the point” while you’re saying that expanding their market share is the point? That would make cruelty a means to an end, not an end itself.

A symptom of our declining society is expecting people or businesses to accommodate your personal interests instead of you making an adult decision.

A symptom of your declining society is expecting that the rules in place could be ignored.

It is true, nobody is forced to buy an iPhone but this not means that Apple could play in the game with a different set of rules from everyone else.

What existing rules? The rules designed for 19th/20th century oil companies that don’t apply to modern tech companies?

New rules are being written.

Apple could play in the game with a different set of rules

They’re playing a different game because they’re the ones who built the ballpark they’re playing in. Don’t like the game? Don’t go to the ballpark.

It’s so exhausting how you people simply can’t accept “don’t buy Apple” and leave it alone.

What existing rules? The rules designed for 19th/20th century oil companies that don’t apply to modern tech companies?

They can be old and technically it can be a stretch to apply them to a tech company, but they are still here.

New rules are being written.

That's good

Apple could play in the game with a different set of rules

They’re playing a different game because they’re the ones who built the ballpark they’re playing in. Don’t like the game? Don’t go to the ballpark.

As long as the ballpark is not a problem for other people, ok. But if the ballpark is a problem for the people playing...

It’s so exhausting how you people simply can’t accept “don’t buy Apple” and leave it alone

"Don't buy Apple" is not a giustification for Apple to do something that is illegal, at least from the DOJ point of view.

Boo fucking hoo, android has done it for years and is fine. Apple doesn't want to do it because if they don't they can charge as much as they want for things because you can only get it from them. If they put half as much into innovation as they do into walling everything off they might actually have new ideas instead of the exact same phone with minor hardware and software upgrades that makes it the exact same phone but with a heftier price tag each subsequent generation.

To be fair, the unwalled garden of Android hasn't really come back with anything compelling in a decade, either. Just iterative hardware improvements.

Which is fine. The space has matured. There will be other frontiers.

But at least this might result in a decrease of friction between users with different platforms.

I mean, I'm using the fold 3 which I am really liking and is definitely something new. But it is true more could be being done.

You don’t need to buy an iPhone, and if you don’t have one then this doesn’t affect you and you’re baby raging about nothing. If you do have one and are still mad, then perhaps evaluate how little self control you have over your purchases.

Lol, try and lecture all you want little troll, you are just making yourself look like even more of a tool and a child. I couldn't care less either way what your opinion is because you have literally no idea what anyone else's circumstances are and you think you are better. Go study more and do a little more growing up next time you think you have any leg to stand on in judging what others situations are.

You mean, like the business model that Android has been using for years?

Or Windows / Linux have been using for decades?

What a weird thing to paint in a bad light.

Android is an ecosystem made up of OEMs under the lead of Google, and all these OEMs have different business models. Google’s however, is an ad-based monopoly. Totally different business model. You referring to Android as a single entity shows how clueless you are about this topic.

Mobile is a different environment compared to desktop, so you’re comparing Apples to oranges.

Passing this would destroy Apple’s entire business

I think that is, indeed, the point.

You think you want this, but you really don’t. If Apple is gone then Android is all that exists and THAT IS A REAL MONOPOLY.

I never said I wanted Apple gone, nor does their exploitative and abusive business model being stopped requires them to cease to exists. Get a grip, straw men don't look good on sidewalks, and you look like a fool when you bring one out to fight with it.