Dragon's Dogma 2 launches to "Mostly Negative" review bombing after microtransactions reveal, and man, what a bummer

Stopthatgirl7@lemmy.world to Games@sh.itjust.works – 501 points –
Dragon's Dogma 2 launches to "Mostly Negative" review bombing after microtransactions reveal, and man, what a bummer

What you need to know

  • As Dragon's Dogma 2 launched on PC Thursday evening, a previously hidden suite of microtransactions became available for purchase.
  • Things you can buy for the single player ARPG include fast travel points, Rift Crystals for hiring Pawns and buying special items, appearance change and revival consumables, a special camping kit that weighs less than normal ones, and a few others.
  • In response to the microtransactions, Dragon's Dogma 2 is being review bombed, with the game currently sitting at "Mostly Negative" on Steam.

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lol. First it had denuvo and now microtransacrions? pathetic

There is a pidcast that i like and they both praised the game and got sponsored by Capcom. I think i have to sit out the next episode, because i kinda don't want to hear them vwing apologetic towards capcom.

Nobody knew about the micro transactions until right before launch, to be fair

Agree, but I also read that it was in the review guide they provided for reviewers that apparently everyone missed.