Democrats who attack the rich do better in elections. The party should take notice to politics – 949 points –
Democrats who attack the rich do better in elections. The party should take notice | Jared Abbott and Bhaskar Sunkara

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Don't forget Biden negotiating down on his own campaign promise to fight for $50k forgiveness. And blocking the rail strike. And raising the defense budget. And forcing federal workers back to the office. And going around congress to deliver weapons to Israel.

But yeah they're totally trying to make things better everybody.

and continuing the border camps, and paving the way for the Trump wall through federally protected lands via executive order, and trying to pass a border bill that might as well have been written by republicans, and trying to ban TikTok because it made people mad at Israel.

Not enough has been said about the border under Biden. Nothing changed other than him saying not to seperate families, but its still happening, the camps are the same, the department heads are the same, the people staffing the agencies are the same. Its Donald's border with Bidens name on it. He cant even get Texas to obey federal law or stop human trafficking when it comes to immigration.

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