56% of Americans can't afford a $1,000 emergency expense: We are 'living in a paycheck-to-paycheck nation,' money expert says

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 327 points –
56% of Americans can't afford a $1,000 emergency expense: We are 'living in a paycheck-to-paycheck nation,' money expert says

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We live in a society where it's advisable for everyone to carry tampons, whether female or male, just in case of a gunshot wound ☹️

A good 30% of us should be wearing ballistics vests outdoors with the current shooting rates

Sadly I agree ☹️

Still, I got the nuts to literally pull the barrel to my head and dare them to do it.

They think twice when I do that, and I'm still here.

That might be how it works for Hollywood tough guys, but that's not how it works in real life.

In reality, when someone holds a gun to you and you tell them to go ahead and shoot, they aren't impressed and intimidated by how much of a badass you are, they just shoot you.

Excuse you, but I'm telling real life here. I have zero fucks to give.

My own nerve to retaliate in such a way shocked my potential attackers so much that they didn't know what to do.

Excuse you, but I'm telling real life here. I have zero fucks to give.

Yeah and I'm the king of Nepal 😄

My own nerve to retaliate in such a way shocked my potential attackers so much that they didn't know what to do.

Suuure it did.. 🙄

Oh I love it, folks can hate me all day long. Guess who is still alive, after having a gun pulled to my head more than once.

I have a force to my voice that'll make anyone piss their pants, when I need to use such voice anyways.

I have a force to my voice that'll make anyone piss their pants, when I need to use such voice anyways

And I can shoot lightning bolts out of my ass.

Better be careful. He sounds like he means business. You don't wanna be on the receiving end of the piss voice.

I wonder if his piss voice conducts electricity like its namesake, in which case I better watch my ass while farting around him 🤔

I see I've been downvoted, not like I care.

I'm smart enough to analyze my opponent, and even smarter to know when the gun ain't loaded.

Do you folks have any idea how fast people shit their pants when they realize they tried to shoot you in the head with what you already knew was an unloaded gun?

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