YSK: There is a website (app too) that shows what political parties companies support (if any)

Zerlyna@lemmy.world to You Should Know@lemmy.world – 399 points –
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Doesn't say it, but looks like it's USA only.

Companies openly giving money to politicians is USA only. In other countries it's bribery and corruption.

Per Anthony Kennedy and a completely fair and impartial republiQan-aligned Supreme Court, money is just another word for free speech.

Corporations are people, my friend.

Unless they're responsible for a crime, then suddenly they're a faceless abstraction, and you can't charge those with anything silly!

It’s the only way I support the death penalty, it’s just too bad none of them have been condemned

Be that as it may, not mentioning which nation the topic applies to enforces the notion that the US is the default if no other context is given.