Biden reacts to pro-Palestinian protesters: 'They have a point' to politics – 568 points –
Biden reacts to pro-Palestinian protesters: 'They have a point'

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The IRA and the CHIPS Act were pretty legit - granted, I think trump might've passed some version of the CHIPS act as well. Seems like a no-brainer, imo, but the one that did it gets the credit!

The IRA even addresses the corporate tax loopholes in a clever way. There's a minimum tax that they still have to pay even if their normal tax burden comes out to $0. I think it's like 15%.

What do you mean by IRA like I know Biden is of Irish descent and I would whole heartedly support an American backed IRA but I doubt thats what happened.

It's the "Inflation Reduction Act"

AKA The Build Back Better bill minus everything progressives and leftists fought for.

Huge win if you're a moderate or a liberal. Yet another slap in the face if you're slightly left of either.