Biden Is Breaking Campaign Rule No. 1. And It Just Might Work. to politics – 87 points –
Opinion | Biden Is Breaking Campaign Rule No. 1. And It Just Might Work.

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no it wont lol

the best campaign strategy would be to stop financing a genocide that is making nazis blush

It’s bad, but “making nazis blush”? Let’s not blow things out of proportion by downplaying the holocaust. This doesn’t touch the Third Reich, Armenia, Cambodia, Mao, or Stalin. On one hand, genocide is genocide, but the scales are way different.

It is of a lower scale than the Holocaust, because Israel is being held back by the international community. Most places in Gaza are either already in famine or will be soon at this rate. If Israel has its way the scale will match these genocides (as a proportion of the population of course). I do agree that comparisons to the Holocaust are exaggerations and therefore unproductive, but let's not forget that the real genocide is just starting.

that the real genocide is just starting

yes. the comparison is apt, thats exactly my damn point.

israel wouldnt be able to do anything close to what its doing right now without US weapons and money.

The comparison will be apt if Israel succeeds, but fortunately it hasn't yet. "This has the potential to be as bad as the Holocaust" and "this is as bad as the Holocaust" are different statements and mixing them up only hurts the cause.

i said it was makong nazis blush. which it is.

does a genocide has to be super successful for us to be able to compare it with another?

i said it was makong nazis blush. which it is.

That would normally be read as: This genocide is worse than the Holocaust. This is why people are taking issue with it.

people should be taking issue with the fact its happening at all.

instead i got this drivel that "voters dont mind!" or some shit

Yeah it is happening, too bad.

But putting this all on Biden means your entire rant is going to push people away from Biden, making Trump more likely to win. And Trump literally said they were going to make it even worse.

So you are essentially pushing Trump because it is a 2 party system. And Palestine will get genocide even more because of it.

That is why you are getting downvoted.

trump is very likely to win regardless, nobody in history has ever managed to vote away fascism.

even if he doesnt, your actual overlords seem keen in making it happen anyway, as evidenced be the current state of affairs right now

instead i got this drivel that “voters dont mind!”

Yeah that's nonsense. Voters absolutely do mind, as they should.

sure lets argue the genocide is not too bad....

this is the response you bothered to type out here? not even the usual "he is the lesser evil!!" or something

sure stalin killed trillions somehow so we have some room to kill a few palestinians here and a couple more mexicans there and still look good for this years election cycle

Thanks for putting words in my mouth! Maybe try rereading my comment?

Once more for the people in the back: “Genocide is genocide, but the scales are incomparable”

oh yes, its just a little genocide, not much! you surely cant compare it with nazis!

what harm does it do?

sure those other genocides cant compare with our finesse and compassion with the gazans or mexicans over this last century

ever notice how the outwardly fascist conservatives love it? just a coincidence, our guy is blue not red!

Oof, reading is not your strong suit, eh?

dunno but pretending not to be a closet nazi sure doesnt seem to be yours.

the shoe seems to fit perfectly for you. mentioning nazis really got you going to defend your precious octogenarian maniac.

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Foreign policy is always really low on the list of voter priorities. Also, "Nazis blush"? Come on. That's fucking ridiculous.

It's comparable to Nazis in that both are genocide, but the comparison begins and ends with, "and the Nazis were way fucking worse." Which is fine. It doesn't have to be a competition for it to be a bad situation that you want to do something about.

I mean it's also comparable to the Nazis in that the ideologies are almost exactly the same (the whole the Chosen People TM must remove the subhumans for Lebensraum rhetoric specifically is so close it's not even funny) even if the scales are different because Israel needs to do the absolute bare minimum to save face on the international stage.

I don't like the comparison to the Holocaust for the same reasons you said, but comparing Israel to Nazis has a lot of merit.

Edit: Also foreign policy tends to be low on voters' priority list, except when genocide or other large-scale crimes against humanity are involved. It's easy to forget this because Israel has controlled public perception of the conflict for a long time, but Americans have a decently long history of being very much not okay with genocide (when they're not the ones committing it). You'll see this today in progressives dropping Biden over Gaza; normally it'd be more than just progressives, but Israel has controlled public opinion for so long (and so successfully tied their existence to US Christian death cults' eschatology) that it's still only a limited segment of the total population.

if the nazi comparison is only bad because the numbers arent there yet, then i have bad news for you....

What are you trying to say?

that genocide is a bad thing.

the apologia for it on this thread is pretty disgusting tbh

I mean of course, but "just" doing genocide doesn't make you a Nazi. There are many non-Nazi genocides in history, so picking the Holocaust in particular needs to have some merit and it doesn't here. If anything this is more resembling of the Native American genocide, only with modern weaponry.

it looks pretty similar to nazis, same kind of propaganda and rhetoric, same kind of justifications and all...

listen to yourself man. but but nazis did the same, but way more!

its preposterous this even has to be a reasonable comparison.

the fact its foreign policy is the problem, i get it. it may be why all these voters are EAGER to vote for far-left joe biden. as long as he pinky promises to tax the rich, for realsies this time.

you get he could stop this trolley at any time, right?

It's too late to feign offense at quantifying atrocities. If you're going to compare them, which you explicitly did, yes the Nazis were worse and wouldn't blink, much less blush, at Israel's treatment of Palestinians. Without question.

You think people don't know what they're getting with Biden? We absolutely do, and there isn't a single comparison by which Trump comes out ahead. That includes treatment of Palestinians.

The choice between Biden and Trump is an easy one.

so you think taking offense at a genocide is.... fake?

the nazis are blushing again my man, your attitude is similar to that of germans in the 20s and 30s, and you might as well be one of them. no wonder you seem to not understand why people don't want to support a genocide.

MLK was right, you guys are just nazis painted blue. you dont care as long as you can still afford your hamburguers, and feel yourself superior for "choosing" the blue fascists instead of the red ones.

let me be real with you: your refusal to get up your fat ass and actually do something about it will bring you to higher body counts than the nazis, because the numbers seem to be all you care about.

This isn't even a good faith argument. I can tell because you just make up whatever straw man you want and argue against it.

oh no. hating genocide can't be in good faith, right?

no need to make up strawman when you gleefully say pretty fascist things to me with what i assume is a straight face.

If Nazis did way more, they wouldn't be blushing.

Magicshel is countering your extreme exaggeration by putting it into perspective.

you guys seem to be offended by the comparison.

the fact you are not offended by the genocide, instead by being called out on it, yeah there are nazis blushing out there.

If you think Israeli genocide is a bigger problem than the wealthy then I got a bridge to sell you.

You are just doing the elites dirty work which is to get Biden out and get a psycho pos Republican in.

I do care about the genocide but you can’t take the tools of the wealthy away when they can just buy more elsewhere.

Take their money now and see the results. It works. The world gets better because the psychos go broke.

Didn't know Israel was putting everyone on trains to be gassed like a convyerbelt

no need, gaza is already ethnically cleansed.

which seems to be the objective of genocidal maniacs doesnt it?

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