eyes...... to Programmer – 323 points –

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Makes it even better that I'm on mobile so the text wrapped half way through a word.

I can read that without any issues whatsoever.

But. If. You. Put. Periods. Between. Each. Word. My brain will force a pause between every single one and I can't override it.

Forever Ago I Ran A Minecraft Server And 2 Friends Joined And One Typed Everything They Said Like This and the other managed to misspell every single word with more than 2 letters in it. They misspelled the word "the!" According to Sir Capitalizes Every Single Word, its just much easier to type that way, which raised far more questions than answers...

Would you like a snake to replace your camel?

Careful, Pascal doesn't like it when you call him a camel

I decided to be wrong because the correct joke would be too convoluted. I’ll work on that implementation and then you can inject it at runtime via reflection.

Thanks for preparing your comment for my dependency injection! I agree that refactorability of comments is preferable over prematurely optimizing for performance.

First it needs to work, then it needs to work well, and finally it may or may not work quickly. Along the way, it should also be humorously weird.