Supreme Court Drags Feet So Long That South Carolina Will Hold 2024 Elections Under Gerrymandered Map to politics – 360 points –
Supreme Court Drags Feet So Long That South Carolina Will Hold 2024 Elections Under Gerrymandered Map

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Dems not fighting for Obama's SC pick is going to be one of those things like Gore not challenging the Florida vote results...

But apparently it was worth it because it got some more votes for the least popular presidential candidate against the worst president.

Just didn't get enough, so we all got double fucked.

And as a bonus now we have Garland slowing down everything important for DoJ

Republicans fill their SC seats with literal religious cult members...

And Dems suggest people who are actually impartial...

Like, what result besides the current state of the supreme did anyone expect that would lead to?

For decades now the party hasn't been doing enough, and they still don't seem to realize it.

You can't fight extremism with moderate action. It'll always be 2 steps back and 1 step forward. It's fucking insane to continue and let moderates fight extremists when it's clearly not working.

Not even impartial. Dems hire conservatives because they’re so fucking scared of being perceived as “political”. Alienate the people on your side to reach across the aisle so you can get your hand slapped.

What I wouldn’t give for a progressive party that plays to win.