How are musicians supposed to survive on $0.00173 per stream? to – 229 points –
How are musicians supposed to survive on $0.00173 per stream? | Damon Krukowski

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Convenience and consumption mechanism matter. The current entrenchment of the top services provide this and user centric mechanisms usually fall flat.

Isnt Lemmy proving otherwise? But yeah, keep paying Spotify because "convenience" and I'll keep buying albums on bandcamp because it's the only current fair option.

Small fee boatloads of content or small fee per music small music selection. You do you, but the masses don't align with your approach.

Yeah because the masses are brainwashed into the believing they too can be billionaire, lol. I'll keep doing me, you and "the masses" can keep enabling Joe Rogan.

Yes, keep doing you. As I said. Not sure why you're taking this so personally.

Lol, I don't take it personally, I just don't get what you're doing here with that kind of resigned capitalist enabling discourse. You would be better on facebook or twitter. People like you like consumption, not music.

Understood, you're not here for discourse you're here to proselytize and grandstand. Best of luck.

I didn't wanted to sound rude, my bad.

I'm here because I believe capitalism and big corporations are the main cause of inequality. Projects like Lemmy, Mastodon, Peertube proved to me that user controlled social media and streaming plateform really do work. It just needs to be scaled. With a little momentum, we soon will be able to entirely bybass the GAFAM ecosystem and deveooppe a fair revenu model. But its true that in tye current state of things, the masses are still in traditional corporate model, therefor my commentary.

I use bandcamp because I like helping the artists I enjoy. Since its a small niche I prefer that most of my spending goes directly to them. Otherwise with the profits being so small they would stop making music. Sadly as you said the masses don't care about that.

On the other hand Iappreciated that the streaming services as Spotify have helped reach more audience and made accessible to people that otherwise would have never heard of them unless maybe pirating.

I've followed a few artists on bandcamp as well and am grateful for the platform. On the flip side as you say reach is extensive via the other mechanisms.

I'd like to point out that in some cases it's less a matter of preference and sometimes a budgetary constraint as to which services people gravitate toward, especially if your tastes are broad.

Let's hope that bandcamp stays like that for a while, I've been worrying for it's future since it was bought by Epic Games

DW, you can just pirate releases and throw money towards your preferred artist after the fact, that's arguably more fair than bandcamp anyway.

Epic actually sold Bandcamp to another corporation last year. I'm also quite worry, but they added a few nice features and didn't change the revenu model , so far so good.

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