This comment right here

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we have had the first wave - and its gone well. second wave is incomming on or about the 30th - probably smaller, but no less committed (long term). after that its a war of attrition.

unrelated to your comment (sorta), but I just saw your comment update in real time after you edited it. I just thought that's a really cool feature and wanted to point it out :)

realtime comment subscriptions are pretty damn slick.

Yep, I feel like a lot of people are forgetting about the wave coming at the end of the month. We’ll see plenty more people then.

Then the third wave when they finally kill off

You know I see that a lot of people love old reddit. I was a fan of it 10 years ago. When it switched to the modern layout, I think I was kind indifferent at first. But trying to go back to it after all these years, it seems like a downgrade in many ways. I guess I'm not seeing what they're seeing lol.