Hillary Clinton to voters upset over Biden-Trump choice: ‘Get over yourself’

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 96 points –
Hillary Clinton to voters upset over Biden-Trump choice: ‘Get over yourself’

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I’m a Republican because I’m… voting for the most leftist candidate possible….

Not what was said. Sorry you're struggling to read.

Okay. Enlighten me then, why am I a Republican?

Because you are a single issue voter with an excuse why fighting fascism isn't a responsibility of yours.

The status quo serves you fine and you don't care about the suffering enacted on others. The BS candidate you are endorsing has 0 experience in government and is starting at the presidency? Yup.

The hallmarks of an embarrassed Republican.

Oh, so not actually a Republican - but another thing that you just don’t have a pithy singular word for

You are functionally the same. If it quacks like a duck and shits all over the place like a duck...

Yall even count as good as each other. "Embarrassed Republican" is 2 words.

lol. I remember being 19. You’ll grow out of it

He said to cope with facts he had no retorts for.

The fact that I’m a far left Republican, that is

Lmao, sure. So far left you want Trump elected.

I’d prefer if he didn’t, but ultimately my belief in democracy and leftist policies outweighs my drive to side with a minor fascist over a major fascist.

You vote for your conscience buddy. You can be a far right Democrat, I’ll be a far left Republican. It’s cute.

You mean you want Trump to win but are embarrassed to admit it.

Not really. He probably will thanks to individuals such as yourself. But to each their own.

Really, I’m not sure what you’re so mad about. Is this your first election or something?

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