Buyers Are Avoiding Teslas Because Elon Musk Has Become So Toxic to – 1446 points –
Buyers Are Avoiding Teslas Because Elon Musk Has Become So Toxic

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In an emergency when you are panicking and haven't practiced opening it tho? If you even know where it is?

I would be surprised if even half of tesla owners know where the handle is

Knowing what I know now at this very moment, I would preemptively practice emergency exit from a Tesla ASAP. Practice regularly like we would practice fire drills in a house.

Nah, you can’t do that bruh. It’s only for emergencies. In fact using it can damage your door. It’s a STUPID fucking design.

Yikes, that's awful. K I'll stick with my Mercedes, am no longer remotely envious of teslas anymore.

My passengers find the emergency release all the time.