The WHO is about to declare aspartame can cause cancer to World – 452 points –
The WHO is about to declare aspartame can cause cancer. Here’s why you should listen.

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As a Type II diabetic:


As a punk:

All I wanted was a Pepsi
Just one Pepsi

*Diet Pepsi contains sucralose, not aspertame, so I guess I'm good (for now)

Newspaper recently said sucralose cause DNA damage.

Hah, I got that reference. "I'm not crazy. You're the one that's crazy."

There's a new version by Ice T. He just wants to play Xbox.

Just looked it up on Youtube. Holy shit, that was amazing. Perfect update to the original. It doesn't have the punch the last verse of the original did, but otherwise it's fantastic.

eh... It doesn't matter, I'll probably get hit by a car anyway

In my area they phased aspartame back into Diet Pepsi, which pleases me. I unabashedly love aspartame sweetener.