Cory Doctorow on Search Engine Enshittification to – 191 points –

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I'll be fucked if I have my search history associated with my payment information. Not that I have any weird shit in there, just that I know at some point what I look for and buy will get cross-correlated and sold to the highest bidder. Plus, data breaches. And bittorrent searches.

I use crypto to avoid this exact thing

How do you use a public ledger for privacy? Are you just using Monero or something?

I use monero. Since all kagi takes is bitcoin i use one of those instant swaps to do a conversion.

Gotcha, thanks! So you can just swap Monero for Bitcoin without going through KYC stuff?

Oh, quite easily. I use

Interesting, thanks! I've only vaguely followed crypto stuff, so not really too familiar with how it gets used day-to-day

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