Millennials are exhausted by working more for less. to Not The – 1049 points –
Millennials are exhausted by working more for less | Letters

(water is wet and fire is hot).


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You say this as corporations are making record profits.

The US recovered just fine, the elites just didn’t think it necessary to include us in that recovery.

My issue is that I have to believe my lying eyes. Rates of homelessness, buying power, financial solvency, they all dropped through the tank and never really came back after what amounted to a financial earthquake for many many families. Whole extended families dropped through the cracks and never came back. There was basically no relief for the working families most effected by the incident, and basically no consequences for those that cause/ profited from it. Covid and the financial repercussions seems about the same. We've "recovered" from it "economically" because those permanently impacted by it that will never recover stopped being counted.

Yeah that’s pretty much what I’m saying. The elites are doing better than ever while we struggle.

The hedge funds are helping to rig the system even worse. People absolutely don’t realize how big of a bubble we are in, and when it pops governments will let the masses starve rather than let the donor class fail.