Rule 3 Is Virtually NEVER enforced here

Zuberi 👀 to Lefty – 27 points –

What's the point of the sidebar's rules if the mods are going to bury their heads in the sand about the bot-farm


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I thought this was lefty memes not "vague and incredibly specific brand of leftwing politics" memes

For a minute I was hung up on the apparent oxymoron of vague and specific, but I think I see now: vague re: what leftism is allowed, yet hyper specific re: what is not. Agreed.

I imagine that these very specific titles to very specific political flavors is what throws some people of. Imo they've first given the overall value system that they don't want to see here (i.e. liberalism, reactionaries and revisionism) and then give some specific examples what that could mean.

yeah this rule sounds very specific and very vague at the same time. and needlessly sectarian. i get pushing out libs but some of the people mentioned seem to imply china isnt on the road to socialism? or that socdems or dengists are right wing? i get disagreeing with them, because i mostly do, but like cmon.

socialism and the process to achieve it will be different on each place according to its particularities. its not a perfect dogma to be applied like a cake recipe to every country to make it socialist.

I think the problem is that there are many people who would describe themselves as "leftwing" but then propagate neoliberal, conservative or reactionary politics. I'm not 100% aware of all the terms dropped in the post, but in my mind a leftwing community should definitely not include liberals, capitalists or conservatives (these are filtered out above via e.g. liberalism, social democrats, anarcho-capitalists, etc). Imo this rule makes perfect sense.