Greta Thunberg detained at The Hague climate demonstration

Mysteriarch ☀️ to World – 492 points –
Greta Thunberg detained at The Hague climate demonstration

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Greta calling for a boycott, just would make people buy the product.

Bud light recently was boycotted and look how effective that was.

I’m not missing a step, you increase fuel taxes, end subsidies, end fracking and make hybrids tax advantageous.

The market will sort itself out very quickly.

Lmao, "People should boycott businesses, but if this one person does what I just said to do, then it's actually bad because I say so."

Okay, well you just added several steps right there, and you’re still missing some.

Who increases fuel taxes and subsidies? How do we as a civilization get that done?

Your state senators and state representatives at the local and federal level. Taxes are done by the government. Remove subsidies are the same people.

Okay. How do we influence those state representatives to pass that legislation?

Meeting with them. Ask them to coffee or lunch. Build some rapport with them and then invite them to meet with like minded citizens.

The issue is everyone knows if we increase gas taxes or remove subsidies. It’ll crush the lower class people. It’s why both parties dance around the issue.

It’s also the only way to get rid of people driving 5 mpg suv. You have to price them out of it.

Okay. How many senators have you gotten coffee with?

About a dozen. I live in the capital. So it’s a little easier to meet them.

Do you think that’s a typical experience for the average American

Depends how involved you want to be. I’ve met with politicians all my life. That’s their job to listen to you.

I use to see Ike every time he was in Missouri or I was in Washington. He felt it was important to talk to the people he represented.

If your politicians won’t talk to you, you need to make it clear they won’t get your vote.

If you’ve talked to them then why hasn’t the change happened

Well don’t expect a massive change in 30 days. I’ve only started talking to them about the fuel tax recently. Both sides are opposed as it’ll crush the poor.

You’ve been talking to them all your life though. So you must have gotten a lot of progress done yeah? You make it sound like you just heard about hybrids lately.