Here's why Americans under 40 are so disillusioned by capitalism to politics – 166 points –

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I'm nearly fifty, now. Why am I disillusioned by capitalism? Because the illusion is thin and flimsy. I really hope the disillusionment of millennials isn't just because they don't have a good enough retirement plan, or anything else that can be easily fixed. I hope that they are waking up to realize that giving unelected, unaccountable, private owners of capital control over the production and distribution of goods, services, and information, is an extremist, antidemocratic idea, that is driving the global climate crisis, and the slide toward fascism.

I love this comment. You put into words what I've been trying to convey to others. Thank you.

I believe that all concentrations of power are potentially dangerous because you never know into what hands that concentration of power is being put. Too often it's concentrated in the hands of those personality types of the dark triad: narcissists, machiavellians, psychopaths. Those people should never have any authority or control over any human beings, and they should be prohibited from being in powewful positions. They are far too dangerous, and I believe that most of our world problems derive from these personality types.

The Dark Triad is oversimplified pseudoscience

I'm describing Cluster B personality disorders. The science is there and it's real. All these people should never be in ANY positions of power or over people. That is my point. They are too dangerous.

I know what the fuck yah are talking about and you have proven my point with this ignorant ass comment. Educate yourself.

Ah... so I struck a nerve. Maybe I found one in the wild?

This isn't personal to you, so don't take offense. If you do belong to this group, I'm sorry to say, you're not well. If you don't, I don't know why you're trying to deny that this is real science. It's not hard to verify for anyone who does simple research. Heck, you could go to a public library and find plenty of scientific sources.

For everyone else reading this, Cluster B: A person with this type has difficulties regulating their emotions and behavior. Others may consider their behavior dramatic, emotional, or erratic. There are four cluster B disorders: antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic personality disorders.

You can find sources everywhere, but here is where I grabbed the above:,histrionic%2C%20and%20narcissistic%20personality%20disorders.

This is the dark triad I was talking about. I believe that people with this disorder should never be allowed to hold any positions of power whatsoever. They have proven to be too dangerous. If you read about the symptoms, it's pretty easy to understand why.

Some weekend researcher talking to someone who is in this field, so maybe ask yourself if you really know what the hell you are talking about.

Yea it is personal to me because I get to see the damage people like you that parrot uninformed bullshit that hurts real human beings, vilifying people they have no qualifications to speak about.

The dark triad is pop science of the worst kind helping fund the personality test market. You can also find sources on the contrary, and you can learn the background of the two people who created it. Do you think psychiatrist are using things like the dark triad questionnaires or the 16 personality test to help diagnose a patient? No.

I’m not even going into the positions of power, my point stick with the usefulness of the dark triad.

Lol! Bull shit!

Nice try tho. 😅

I was wondering who I'm dealing with and I read some of your comments. You admitted in one that your autistic. You wrote: "As an autistic person who struggles...".

Yeah... you're in the field... as a patient!

Again, my comment is backed by plenty of medical science. I know, because I am studying this, and it's super easy to find just doing a Google search. There are a ton of academic papers on this.

Here is just one:

Whoever you are, you're a shining example of what is bad about social media, and you're exactly the kind of person that I was talking about in this tread. May you never hold any power over anyone.

My guy do you think being autistic precludes me from this? You know I was misdiagnosed as BDP and a few years later it finally diagnosed with the right thing. I work both sides you fucking dork, I now work with the people that helped me. I know more than you, period. I lived it, I studied it. I now work in it.

You lack the empathy you accuse others of. Sad really. Incredible Detective work, ace. You might want to read your own words. 😬 Talk to one working clinical psychiatrist, seriously.

And holy shit, “admitted” I was autistic. What do you think ASD is? Seeing your complete misunderstanding of Cluster B personalities I’m gonna guess not a whole lot. 🙄

Edit - I had to come back to this comment because holy shit it’s funny. Like at least finish the quote “as an autistic person I struggle with taking things too literal” though you know that your comment is performative bullshit and you don’t care one way or another. You’re not a serious person and I can’t believe I’ve wasted my time with such a silly person. Hedonistic as in a self centred prick. Good luck with your Cheeto covered research. Ableist cunt.

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They’ve played Monopoly enough to recognize it’s their turn to roll, holding $6 and no property, and the board is covered in hotels.

I don't know why I did not recognize the feeling before but yeah. This is what it feels like but it's real life.

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