Microsoft is trying to convince Windows 10 users to upgrade with full-screen prompts to – 372 points –
Microsoft is trying to convince Windows 10 users to upgrade with full-screen prompts

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Beside we-know-which games that use a root-kit anti-cheat, which games you think doesn't work on Linux or work terribly or straight out not work on Linux on first-day?

I don't play those and I don't own them on Steam. Out of 600+ games I own on Steam, everything literally run without me touch my terminal once.

Unless you don't think proton is good, then you might be mistaken somewhere. It's straight magic

To be honest I just see people commenting here and there that xyz game didn't work for them and they have to jump through a bunch of hoops for what does work that I just write Linux off for now.

That and I tend to like to check out early access games (cough star citizen cough) so I just dont want to limit myself just to give Mi€ro$oft the finger.

Also, (see early access comment) I'm kind of impatient so even though I'm pretty capable, the last thing I want to do is have to be an IT guy for my PC every time something doesn't work lol windows is pretty good in that respect.

Suggestion: dual boot. Use Linux unless some game you want to play doesn't work (yet).